guest bedroom makeover...
Is there a category for, lower end budget makeovers?
If I've learnt nothing from Instagram, it's that everything looks better in reflection!
The before I moved in
and the absolutely shameful dumping ground after I moved in.
Note the clown like collapsing shelves, and the 90's faux leather mirror.
The storage was so disorganised and awful, it made every job that involved these shelves, a chore!
I had, before I started this latest leg of a makeover, painted the whole room with the never ending tub of cream masonry paint, which made a huge difference as it's not obvious from the first pics, but it was really roughly painted in pale blue, think gaps between roller marks and I had also painted all the skirting and doors which were plain orange pine (not stripped originals) white and sorted out the gaps where most of the wood work didn't actually touch the walls.
I'd also disastrously painted the antique mahogany bed with grey chalk paint,
a rum £5 buy from the Aldi centre aisle,
confirming to me...
I really hate the look of chalk paint!
The £36 do your best, joining in with March's #RevampRestyleReveal reveal...
It's not Instagram worthy, but it is better.
Faux plant and faux antlers, re purposed from around my house.
Antique mahogany bed was really kindly given to me by a family who were down sizing from a massive house to a slightly smaller but still incredibly gorgeous house.
Painted (over the awful chalk paint) with left over nearly black Wilko's paint and a coat of furniture wax,
They also gave me these fab 1920's table and shelves and the little Victorian mirror!

I absolutely love them, they just needed tidying up with a bit of black paint and a coat of varnish on the bamboo.
(Photo's are really not doing them justice.)
AND Rockett St George have just started stocking similar.
Couple of arrow baskets.
£1.10 each from Homebase, the only DIY shed that doesn't set me off on a rant for some reason, possibly because of the random little sale shelves that crop up and their odd gorgeous little bargains like this, distracting me from my DIY shed going on... how much for a door handle? not even metal! and the state of it, who would give it house room let alone pay for it, watch out someone's trying to run us over with the ride on trolley, probably heard my comment about the toilet, who can blame them really, I'd have a run at me too with that insult...
not proud of what I become in these places.
(Disclaimer, not complaining about or rude to the staff, it's just DIY sheds in general that set me off).
Added voile curtains to hide the (now sorted out) junk.
Just £3 a panel from Primark, I really wanted the pale dusky pink ones but they had sold out, still better than guest waking up to the full view of Christmas decorations and hoarded paint tins.
Made a bed valance to hide the extra duvets and stuff I store beneath it, £1 remanant.
The two pictures are, one I already had and painted the frame black and the white one is from M&S via a charity shop, new and just £1.
Charity shop Dr Zhivago vintage film poster for again £1.
Not an original vintage, but one that was given out free in The Times in the 1990's so it's got a nice bit of aged fade which I like, all the colours have softened.
Radiator shelf made by me from an old piece of wood (when did I become a wood hoarder!)
very proud of that rounded angle.
Burnished bronze palm tea light holder, £1 from Poundland... there's always one Poundland gem.
The small peacock chair, you can just about see was £5 from St Marys Hospice Furniture Warehouse.
This was more of a bargain than I meant it to be...
Dropping stuff off at a drive up and drop off charity shop,
I thought the skip was the drop off point (it seemed to be full of half decent stuff),
when I asked, do I just put it in here?
I was told, no that's our bin!
I saw the top of this poking out of a box at the top, the guy said it was in there as it was broken,
I asked if I could take it and just give him whatever change I have on me,
turned out I only had about 70p in change : /
Glued the two broken bits back on and I love it.
Now sitting on the window sill distracting from the businesses you can see at the bottom of the canal and guides your eye up to the canal proper which starts across the road and runs in a straight line away from my house to the sea.
Revamped the old ottoman.
Now full of toys and ready for three year old Teddy's next visit.
Stripped the lacquer off this brass door handle.
I'll let you know if it goes to that lovely subtle muted aged brass.
It did age really well, and was so easy to do without harsh chemicals.
Hung the 'bog oak' mirror.
but works really well, and dead easy.
The laminate flooring will be changed to carpet later in the year and it needs a few things to soften it up,
and eventually I would like fitted storage cupboards.
But for now I am calling it done and moving on to the next room.
I'm just glad I no longer have to apologise to guests,
nor battle the shelving from hell.
Next my room, LOTS to be done including opening up a fireplace, ooh, and plastering a ceiling yikes or Oliver's room, just one wall to plaster and paint and a new door, both involving dust and lots of it.
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